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Published on 28.03.2020 19:53


Long & thin
This gift is not quite ideal. When blowing, its length often touches the uvula, which women can find unpleasant. The dripping, aroused pleasure grotto hardly feels the asparagus because there is no friction due to the lack of diameter. But that's no reason to throw in the towel! There are plenty of ladies whose vaginas are very tight. The thick lust spankers are encouraged to go around them. The smaller penis, on the other hand, is a welcome pastime. The thin wand is also better suited for anal pleasures.

Another tip for vaginal intercourse: let it ride up and make gentle circular movements. This stimulates the "outer walls" of the vagina.

Short and thick
"Short and thick is a woman's happiness", as the saying goes, and this is largely true.
The number one advantage is that the smaller manhood is more stable when it comes to erections. This is because less blood is needed to make it hard and firm.
Advantage number two: the thicker one stimulates better. The pleasure-transmitting nerves are located in the front third of the vagina and on the clitoris. Ladies feel "wide" more than "long". Moby Dick can therefore give a lot of pleasure.

Dick & Lang
Popular in the swimming pool, on the nudist beach, in the mixed sauna and in porn films. Some women like to hide their lustful glances behind tinted glasses on the sun lounger and scrutinise your gorgeous specimen unseen. Your little box gets wet in your panties and later, when you're alone, you'll masturbate your drooling slug accompanied by wild fantasies. In the changing room, you will eventually realise that other members of your species always like to shower before or after you. They have inferiority complexes and are jealous of your bum piston.

The fact that the diameter of the one-eyed snake is an advantage has already been mentioned in the previous paragraph. Long, on the other hand, is rarely a blessing. No lady wants her cervix to be constantly poked painfully. Fortunately, nature has created some females that are more spacious. The normal vagina is up to 12 cm long when not aroused. The connective tissue, tubular, muscular tube expands during sexual arousal.
There is no standardised length that can ultimately be accommodated because the length, shape and width of the vagina vary greatly. In the back of the vagina, if the sex partner is an anal partner, such a cock can usually penetrate much deeper after a gentle start.

"So don't just go for it and hammer it in!"

An anatomically unusually small penis that measures only around 4 cm when flaccid and less than 7.5 cm when erect. If diagnosed at an early stage, growth can be stimulated and improved with hormone injections. If the development phase is already complete, only an operation can help.

If it is too small, men long for nothing more than a few centimetres on top. However, if nature has been too generous with him, it can be a real burden. Women react to XXXL calibres in very different ways - from joyfully enthusiastic to anxious to shocked. Understandable, because no lady wants to choke on such a huge cock during oral sex and constantly have to gag. And what soaking wet cunt, whose labia are parted by a huge glans, wants not only the feeling of being filled, but also the pain of stretching or being repeatedly thrust at the vaginal end. Ouch!

Bald or pointed cap? One thing is certain: the vast majority of men on our planet are uncircumcised. The necessity of routine, mostly culturally influenced circumcision, which is said to have many health benefits, has long been refuted. The glans of circumcised men is less sensitive. According to many women who have had sex with uncircumcised and circumcised men, the latter thrust significantly harder during sexual intercourse. The study participants found this less pleasant. The natural penis with foreskin is perceived as more pleasurable by the vaginal tissue.
Is a circumcised penis more hygienic because there is no foreskin under which germs and bacteria can collect? Doctors disagree. According to renowned doctors, natural "lubrication" is important. Those who wash themselves thoroughly on a regular basis also have no bacterial colonisation. Hygiene is therefore not an argument in favour of circumcision.

"We assume that every civilised man washes his noodle thoroughly at least once a day under warm running water and with a pH-neutral soap.Of course, this also includes pulling back the foreskin and changing underwear every day. You should also clean your bum thoroughly before sexual intercourse and afterwards anyway."

There are many penis shapes. We will briefly look at the banana or sabre shape. The upwardly curved pleasure provider is a real G-spot stimulator in many positions. Excellent positions include spooning and missionary or if you let her ride up to you.
Be careful with sex that gets too wild! The Chiquita shape is somewhat more susceptible to penis rupture.

To summarise: "A bent cock is nothing unusual. Your erect member can point up, down, left or right according to the variations of nature. If the penis has a kink or curvature that is more pronounced, causes you stress and loss of self-confidence, causes problems during sex and is accompanied by pain, then you should consult a urologist."

We leave out undescended testicles and bells that hang down to the back of the knee. Men attach huge importance to their cock. But what about the testicles? During sex, they hide in the second row, while the penis is allowed to occupy the woman. In all ball sports and other leisure activities, you are afraid for them. Women often don't know how to deal with them and are distanced from your testicles because they don't know what and how much they can do with them. And although they are not unimportant to you, they always just come across as an accessory.
If you haven't had enough sex recently, you remember. Then there's talk of big balls with the clear intention behind it that you need to fuck again.
Why are they dangling around out there at all and not inside your body? Because you need a lower ambient temperature for sperm to mature, which is not the case inside your body. It's warmer there.
Most ladies prefer you to shave your marbles. As far as size is concerned, the majority think they should fit the penis. However, a few ladies obviously think that more of it is hornier for them, namely as a sign of masculinity and potency. They also find it very stimulating to feel and hear large testicles during sex.

The shapeliness of the glans and a prominent, protruding veining of the cock are also criteria that are definitely appreciated by the fair femininity.

So, dear blog friends, this post is coming to an end.
"Men, love your cock and stand by it. Don't compare yourself to the professional fuckers from the porn industry. Take care of your penis and bring your testicles more into play during the act. We want fat balls to be talked about for more than just the annual Easter celebrations. Don't confuse your sex partner with the porn stars you enjoy watching on screen. If you are completely dissatisfied with your private parts, consult a doctor you trust. Otherwise, trust this: the ladies especially appreciate it when you know how to handle your cock."

"Dear ladies, insist on more sex! Let the men stand their ground. Have fun with the cocks that are out there on mass. It would be a shame to realise at the end of your life that you have never tested the different specimens for yourselves. Sex is not the same as love!
Express your wishes when you're out on the playground. Summer is coming!
Put on your sunglasses and enjoy the bulging swimming trunks unseen."

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